Week #16

“It’s not like last year” he thought. It was Austin’s first Christmas in his new house. The Christmas tree was the same as last Christmas, the decorations were the same as last Christmas, but something was missing, it was the traditions that they had in the old house, and all of of the good Christmas […]

Week #15

Man. That is tough. Well, if i were to have one wish, it would be to have infinite wishes. Some things i would do with those infinite wishes are : have the power to take things out of screens, example: i could.look up a stack of one hundred dollar bills and take that out of […]

Week #14

Here are my things that businesses could do for climate change:  Solar panels: They don’t use fossil fuels, and fossil fuels are a big problem. 2.  Nuclear fusion reactor: Basically,  you combine two nuclei which create a nucleus. When you do this process, it makes energy because nuclei hold energy. The reactor does that process […]

Week #13

“What do you think will happen if the ice caps have completely melted?” asked Calven. “What do you mean?” I asked. “You know, the Arctic circle and Antarctica, what if they melted? “Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that the oceans would flood with all of that extra water.” I responded. “Yeah […]

Week #10

This picture makes me feel mad at the world. I can’t believe we are doing this to ourselves. I mean, WHY! To me this is what people are saying to themselves, “Hey I have a idea! Why don’t we make energy by burning stuff! Who cares if it kills us in the end, we probably […]

Week #9

“EVACUATE THE BUILDING!” yelled the industry supervisor. The red emergency light was blaring, sinking the message into the factory workers heads. “Uh oh” said Jerry in a worried tone, clearly afraid. “What happened this time?” he asked Sarah, the industry supervisor. “The factory is overheating,” she exclaimed. “Oh, crud,” thought Jerry. He quickly made his […]

Week #8

“What did I tell you about the lights?” asked mom. I was sitting in my chair in my room doing my homework when mom barged in. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Remember the talk you and I had last night before bed?” questioned mom. “Doesn’t ring a bell,” I responded. “Well, what I […]

Week #7

*ALERT* FOREST FIRE IN YOUR AREA. YOU MUST EVACUATE BY 6PM! “Great” thought Jack. “This is just what we need, another forest fire.” “Well, we do live in Colorado” reminded Jacks mother. “Oh, I forgot” said Jack sarcastically. They were loading things (most of it was the more important stuff) into the car to send […]

Week #6

Currently, the world is green, but due to climate change in a few decades it might not be green! Even this year the days are a lot more hot. Lots of scientists are overwhelmed and trying to quickly find a solution before it is to late! It might even effect some species that are not […]

Week #5

There once was an architect with some crazy ideas. One day he woke up and thought, “ I want to set a new world record. But for what?” He decided that he was going to build the worlds largest pair of pink, fuzzy glasses. Ten days later, he was at the law office in Washington […]